CLASS-XI (IITJEE Mains & NEET Test Module)

Chapter wise Test Modules are designed for providing an extensive coverage from each Units (Chapters) of every Subject individually. There are 5 Test from every Units of Subject, Every test contains 25 questions and time duration for test is 40 minutes. Students can practice multiple Unit Tests by solving the questions belonging to same Chapter of particular Subject. It will help to improve and enhance the capability of solving and tackling questions per Unit/Chapter wise and provide good coverage of every topics under the same chapter. This pattern is called “unit test” of chapter of each Subjects. This Tests are the building block of Entrance Examination of JEE Mains or NEET.




Students can buy these Chapter-wise test of all subjects together or can buy of individual subjects too. For example, an aspirants of IIT student can buy Chapter-wise test of PHYSICS or CHEMISTRY or MATHEMATICS or ALL Together, similary for aspirant of NEET students too. Number of Chapters of each Subjects are mentioned below as per JEE Mains & NEET coverage. 

Main Features



  • For IIT JEE MAINS Aspirants
    • Class XI:
      • PHYSICS: Number of Unit: 10, Total Test: 50
      • CHEMISTRY: Number of Unit: 13, Total Test: 65
      • MATHEMATICS: Number of Unit: 10, Total Test: 50
      • Total Number of Test in Class XI: 165
    • Class XII:
      • PHYSICS: Number of Unit: 10, Total Test: 50
      • CHEMISTRY: Number of Unit: 20, Total Test: 100
      • MATHEMATICS: Number of Unit: 9, Total Test: 45
      • Total Number of Test in Class XII: 195
    • Dropper(Passout):
      • PHYSICS: Number of Unit: 20, Total Test: 100
      • CHEMISTRY: Number of Unit: 33, Total Test: 165
      • MATHEMATICS: Number of Unit: 19, Total Test: 95
      • Total Number of Test in Class XII: 360


  • For NEET Aspirants
    • Class XI:
      • PHYSICS: Number of Unit: 10, Total Test: 50
      • CHEMISTRY: Number of Unit: 13, Total Test: 65
      • BIOLOGY: Number of Unit: 22, Total Test: 110
      • Total Number of Test in Class XI: 225
    • Class XII:
      • PHYSICS: Number of Unit: 10, Total Test: 50
      • CHEMISTRY: Number of Unit: 18, Total Test: 90
      • BIOLOGY: Number of Unit: 16, Total Test: 80
      • Total Number of Test in Class XII: 220
    • Dropper(Passout):
      • PHYSICS: Number of Unit: 20, Total Test: 100
      • CHEMISTRY: Number of Unit: 31, Total Test: 155
      • BIOLOGY: Number of Unit: 38, Total Test: 190
      • Total Number of Test in Class XII: 445